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Cap'n Crunch Cereal

$5.99 $4.99
12.6 oz.
Cap'n Crunch Cereal

Sale price valid from 3/6/2025 - 6/4/2025.
Buy now and save $1.00 each.

Product Details


Sweetened corn & oat cereal. Per 1 Cup: 150 calories; 1 g sat fat (6% DV); 290 mg sodium (12% DV); 16 g (31% DV) added sugars. Crunch-a-tize me Cap'n. The epic adventures of cap’n crunch vs jean tafoote! Jean lafoote is stealing the crunch! Work your way through the waves to stap capture his key before he escapes! Start. Guppy. Can you find two fish that are the same? Finish. Unscramble the letters above to discover what makes the Cap'n's cereal so crunchy! A. How many starfish can you find? This package is sold by weight, not volume. Some settling may have occurred during shipping and handling. www.capncrunch.com. Follow the Cap'n. (at)RealCapnCrunch Instagram. Facebook. Twitter. SmartLabel: Scan for more food information or call 1-800-234-6281. Visit us on www.capncrunch.com. We're here to help. capncrunch.com or 800-234-6281. Please have package available when calling. Try our other products! Cap'n original crunch treats. Cap'n crunch instant oatmeal.

*EBT Eligible

Aisle 05A
UPC: 00030000573211