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At-Home Spa Day

Servings: 1

Give the gift of relaxation with an At-Home Spa Day for Valentine's Day, Mother’s Day, or for any home pampering occasion. Make a Hydrating Melon and Avocado Face Mask, Invigorating Melon and Mint Sugar Scrub, and Infuse Water with Melon for a Refreshing Beverage.



Step 1

Make a Hydrating Melon and Avocado Face Mask: Add 1/2 cup chopped Honeydew Melon, 1 sliced Avocado, 1 Tbsp melted Coconut Oil, 3-4 drops of your favorite Essential Oil to food processor. Process until smooth. Apply Evenly to skin and rinse off after 20 minutes.

Step 2

Invigorating Melon and Mint Sugar Scrub: Add 1.5 cups granulated sugar, 1/4 cup chopped cantaloupe, 10 fresh mint leaves to bowl. Mix to combine. Scrub gently onto skin and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Step 3

Infuse Water with Melon for a Refreshing Beverage: Add cantaloupe and honeydew melon to glass or pitcher of water. Top with fresh mint leaves. Serve cold.

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